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File | Description |
appicn10.zip 13K 7-Oct-98 |
AppIcon unit for Delphi. Provide a Canvas for drawing a minimized application's icon. Free for all uses. Source available for an extra fee. Help file included. Delphi 1.0 only. |
bmpres10.zip 8K 7-Oct-98 |
Load bitmap resource. The BmpRes unit declares the LoadBitmapResource function to load a bitmap resource, including its palette. Freeware. Source code and help file included. |
cltn.zip 41K 3-Dec-01 |
cltn.zip - Interface-based collection classes for Delphi 5+. See the comments in Cltn.pas to learn how to use these classes. The test program also has some examples. The interfaces define abstract collections: sets, maps, lists, stacks, etc. Also included are concrete implementations of these interfaces using hash tables, red-black trees, arrays, and linked lists. Enumerators retrieve all or selected elements of a collection. You can add new collection interfaces and new implementations. Free, source code included, but no help file. Delphi 5 and later only. |
colred10.zip 3K 7-Oct-98 |
Property editor for Color properties.
The TRgbColorProperty editor defines subproperty
editors for the Red, Green, and Blue parts of a color.
This file in meant primarily as an instruction aid, to explain the tricks in faking out Delphi to create subproperty editors. |
cpuid2.zip 7K 7-Oct-98 |
Determine the CPU identification. Intel's published algorithm is incorrect; this unit implements an algorithm from Robert Collins that doesn't rely on undocumented behavior, works in a mode other than real mode, and is more reliable for non-Intel processors. Free, source code included, Delphi 4 (but you can hand-edit the code for D2 or D3). |
env20.zip 8K 7-Oct-98 |
Environment variables. The Environ unit makes it easy to access environment variables and to set new values prior to launching another application. Freeware, with source code for Delphi 1, 2, and 3. |
etk10.exe 173K 7-Oct-98 |
Expert Tool Kit for Delphi 3. Extend Delphi's IDE with your own experts and wizards. The Expert Tool Kit makes it easy. For more information, visit the Open Tools Info web site. Delphi 3 only. Source included. Freeware. |
etk40.exe 198K 7-Oct-98 |
Expert Tool Kit for Delphi 4 . Extend Delphi's IDE with your own experts and wizards. The Expert Tool Kit makes it easy. For more information, visit the Open Tools Info web site. Delphi 4 only. Source included. Freeware. |
exprprop40.zip 65K 11-Jul-99 |
ExprProp - Expression property editor. Load this design-time package into Delphi 4 and you can type expressions for integer and floating type properties. Follow normal Pascal syntax and use numbers, the names of other properties, and the usual Pascal arithmetic operators. For example, type "Height + 2". Note that expressions are not stored--only the results. Source code included. |
extform1.zip 31K 7-Oct-98 |
Extended Form expert for Delphi 3. This example expert shows you how a form can publish properties in the object inspector. The "extended" form publishes properties for MinTrackSize, MaxTrackSize, MaxSize, and MaxPosition, which are the attributes for the Wm_GetMinMaxInfo message. Use an extended form to easily set the minimum and maximum size for your form. You will need the Expert Tool Kit to use the Extended Form expert. Delphi 3 only. Source included. Freeware. |
freres10.zip 2K 7-Oct-98 |
GetFreeSystemResources in Windows 95. For some reason, this useful function is missing from the Win32 API. The FreeRes unit implements GetFreeSystemResources in Windows 95 by calling the 16-bit equivalent. It probably does not work in Windows NT. Freeware, with source, but no help file. |
frmtxt10.exe 191K 12-May-99 |
Form as Text Wizard. This Delphi 4 wizard automatically saves your form files in text format. |
guidwiz.exe 102K 7-Oct-98 |
GUID Wizard for Delphi 3. Generate a new GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) and insert it in the current file. Just run GuidWiz.exe to install the expert. Choose Components>Insert GUID to insert the GUID. Read about GUIDs in the online help files or in any book about COM or ActiveX. Delphi 3 only. Source include. Freeware. |
hlpins20.zip 144K 7-Oct-98 |
Help Installer for Delphi 2. Borland's version of the helpinst.exe program has problems when you try to install many large KWF files. This program lets you vary the block size used in the HDX file, which can alleviate some of these problems. Freeware. |
huge14.zip 25K 7-Oct-98 |
Huge pointers and lists. The Huge unit implements huge pointers and lists in Delphi 1.0. Freeware. Source available separately. |
math10.zip 4K 7-Oct-98 |
Help floating point math in Delphi. Provides access to rounding modes & exception mask. Implements approximate floating point comparison. Correctly converts NaN and Infinity to string and vice versa. Provides access to 80x87 floating point constants (Pi, etc.) Freeware with source code. No help file. |
nutshell.exe 378K 15-Feb-00 |
Delphi in a Nutshell source files. The book will be available around February 2000, but get the source code and examples early. |
pal10.zip 13K 7-Oct-98 |
Palette Animation Demo. Sample component and project to demonstrate palettes and palette animation in Delphi 1 and Delphi 2. Choiceware: free or voluntary payment. |
panel30.zip 13K 7-Oct-98 |
Insert Panel Wizard - insert a panel in Delphi 3's form editor. Install the Panel30.dpl package in Delphi 3 to install the Insert Panel Wizard. This expert adds the Edit>Insert Panel menu item to Delphi's menu bar. Select one or more components in the form editor, and choose Edit>Insert Panel to insert a TPanel control as the parent of the selected components. If you select a single control, and that control has an Align property, the expert automatically sets the Align property value to alClient. You will need the Expert Tool Kit (etk10.exe) to install this package. Freeware. Source code included. |
progress10.zip 27K 27-Feb-02 |
Thread-safe progress meters.
The progress unit declares
the IProgress interface and two components that implement
IProgress : TThreadSafeProgressBar
and TThreadSafeProgressLabel .
A background thread can display its
progress using these components. Updating the progress
is thread-safe, so you don't need to mess with
Synchronize or mutexes. GPL, Delphi 6.
propeds52.zip 40K 5-Nov-99 |
Delphi 5 property editors.
Delphi 5 has new features for writing property editors,
such as owner-drawn property values. This collection
of simple property editors demonstrate some of the new features.
Just install the propeds52.bpl package in the IDE. The new
editors are for the Color, Date, Time, DateTime, Font styles,
border icons, Boolean, integer, icon, and bitmap properties.
You can install the new set editor for other set types, too.
An integer property editor lets you type expressions. Delphi 5 only. Freeware. Source code included, but no documentation. |
rdonly60.zip 4K 13-Mar-02 |
Read-only munger. Install this wizard in Delphi 6.0, and it changes the source editor's Read Only context menu item to affect the file on disk, in addition to the edit buffer. Delphi 6 only, source included. |
reg10.zip 26K 7-Oct-98 |
Help for the Registry unit. Delphi 2.0 comes with the Registry unit, but no documentation to speak of. This archive contains a simple help file that describes the TRegistry and TRegIniFile classes, with examples. |
rplwiz09.zip 115K 7-Oct-98 |
Search and replace components. This simple expert searches a form for all components of a given type, and replaces them with a different type. The expert does its best to preserve properties with the same name and type. This expert is an example expert in Hidden Paths of Delphi 3, to be published by Informant Press in the summer of 1997. This book is a complete guide to writing experts and wizards with the Open Tools API. |
runexp10.exe 134K 7-Oct-98 |
Run Expert This expert adds a menu item to Delphi's menu bar, under the Run menu, to run an application outside Delphi's IDE. Use this when working on an application and you want to make sure it still works outside Delphi. This is more convenient than starting up Explorer and navigating to your application folder and then running the application. Freeware, source included, Delphi 3 only. |
setstr50.zip 8K 28-Nov-99 |
SetString - convert sets to strings and vice versa The SetString unit declares SetToString and StringToSet ,
to convert any set to a string representation and back. Use it to store
set values in the registry, to display set values to the user, and more.
Free, source code included. Compiled for Delphi 5, but should work in
earlier versions, too.
str10.zip 2K 7-Oct-98 |
Strings unit to help write portable code for Delphi 1.0 & 2.0. Provides compatibility routines for Delphi 1.0, similar to those in Delphi 2.0, e.g., SetLength, SetString, TrimLeft, TrimRight, Trim. Freeware with source code. No help file. |
syntax40.zip 20K 11-Jul-99 |
SyntaxHighlighter - Change Delphi's syntax highlighter. Load this design-time package into Delphi 4, and pull down the Edit>Syntax menu, which lets you pick a different syntax highlighter for the current file. It's a simple tool, but one that can be useful in some circumstances. Feel free to enhance the tool to remember the syntax highlighter for files after they are closed, or whatever else you want to do. Free, and source code included. |
tray11.zip 4K 7-Oct-98 |
Component for the Windows 95 systray. Drop this component on a form, and the application automatically minimizes to the Windows 95 system tray. You can add a popup menu to be invoked when the user right-clicks the icon. Event handlers give you finer control over mouse events. Freeware with source code. No help file. Delphi 2.0 specific. |
uint14.zip 15K 7-Oct-98 |
Unsigned 32-bit integers. The Unsigned unit implements unsigned 32-bit integer arithmetic: comparisons, conversions, and division. Freeware. Source code and help file included. In Delphi 1.0, you must also download the FltMath unit, in math10.zip. |
vclclx10.zip 5K 1-Dec-01 |
VCL/CLX project options wizard. Install this wizard in Delphi, and it automatically adds a symbol definition to the project options for all projects: VCL for VCL projects and CLX for CLX projects. (Delphi 6; GPL) |
virt50.zip 2K 20-Oct-99 |
Virtual to override.
This Delphi 5 add-in demonstrates some of the new
features in the Tools API. Add the unit to any design-time package,
such as dclusr50; recompile and install the package.
When you write a derived class, copy the virtual methods from the
base class. Place the cursor in the virtual directive
and press Ctrl+Alt+O to change the directive to override .
If the method is abstract, the abstract directive
is automatically removed. You can use a different keystroke
by creating a registry entry. Read the source to learn how.
Freeware. Source only. |
winmenu.exe 166K 7-Oct-98 |
Add a Windows menu item to Delphi's menu bar. |
winmenu4.exe 167K 7-Oct-98 |
Add a Windows menu item to Delphi 4's menu bar. |
wnstuf11.zip 3K 7-Oct-98 |
A few useful Win32 routines. Test whether a window is Win16 or Win32. Return long file name, given a short file name. Freeware, with source code, but no help file. Delphi 2.0 only. |